Extraordinary meeting of the Board of Trustees
At an extraordinary meeting of the Foundation Board, the strategy of the IndustryFusion Foundation was presented - with a special focus on the further technical development of the open source networking solution IndustryFusion. In addition, the Ecosystem Council was established, a body that is responsible, among other things, for ensuring that the Foundation's activities address current market trends.
"What we are driving forward together here is unique in this form - all the course has now been set correctly," said Igor Mikulina, President of the IndustryFusion Foundation Board of Trustees, at the extraordinary Foundation Board meeting on Thursday, May 25, 2023, in Bad Wörishofen. The strategy of the Foundation Board with regard to the further development of the open source networking solution IndustryFusion was presented during the event: Release 5.0 is scheduled to appear in the middle of this year and the official market launch of a first commercial solution is planned for the fall - around the Welding and Cutting trade fair (see also report "Partnership with world-leading trade fair").
The development teams of the Foundation and Intel will present the current state of the software - in addition to the overall architecture based on SUSE and Intel components, among other things, a completely revised UX design was also presented. In addition, the foundation of the "IndustryFusion Register for Identification and Certification" was announced: a non-profit organization that enables platform-independent registration, identification and certification of digital, non-digital, but also completely abstract objects, such as software licenses, in an IF ProcessDataTwin (PDT) format via RDS technology.
The Foundation Board meeting also marked the start of operations for the first IndustryFusion DemoLab, which will begin operations immediately in Bad Wörishofen in the new MicroStep CompetenceCenter South. In addition, the EcoSystem Council was founded during the extraordinary Foundation Board meeting. In the future, the council will be responsible for ensuring that the foundation's activities address current market trends and will provide expertise to support ongoing initiatives and continuously provide new impetus for the further development of the IndustryFusion ecosystem. The following individuals have been appointed by the foundation to the council, which plans to meet regularly:
Dr. Christian Bach, managing director of Dr. Christian Bach GmbH
Dr. Maximilian Bock, Project Manager Technology at Bayern Innovativ GmbH
Christian Glowienko, Chief Digital Officer of Kjellberg-Holding GmbH
Guido Emmelius, Managing Director of Mittelstand.ai GmbH & Co. KG
Dipl.-Ing. Jens Jerzembeck, Head of Research and Technology at DVS, Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e. V. (German Welding Society)
Hans-Joachim Heusler, Managing Director of BIIG Wheel GmbH
Thomas Saalmüller, Client Partner Banking of Sopra Steria SE
Jens-Gero Boehm, Director Channel Sales Central and East Europe of SUSE Software Solutions GmbH
Simon Telöken, Managing Director of TEKA Absaug- und Entsorgungstechnologie GmbH
Oliver Mark, Business Unit Manager Drive of 6PAC Consulting AG
Dr.-Ing. Detlev Richter, VP Head of Industrial & Energy Products of TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH