Planning driven forward, functionalities defined
The members of the Industry Business Network 4.0 e.V. met for another workshop meeting at the association's headquarters in Bad Wörishofen. The participants, accompanied by TÜV Süd, the University of Augsburg and Fraunhofer IGCV, pushed ahead with their plans for digital production.
Labor and resource management, maintenance and energy efficiency: these are the added-value fields on which the Industry Business Network 4.0 e.V. working groups are currently focusing. At a further workshop meeting at the association's headquarters in Bad Wörishofen, Bavaria, the plans were driven forward. Based on the results of the kickoff workshop in July, the member companies present defined and specified functionalities that are to be implemented across manufacturers as part of networked manufacturing.
Part of the working groups for the first time were two new Memberswho made a committed contribution to the meeting: Konzept Informationssysteme GmbH, based in Meersburg, Germany, offers technically sophisticated software solutions and IT services - and Sauerstoffwerk Friedrich Guttroff GmbH, headquartered in Wertheim, Baden-Württemberg, is a sought-after partner in the field of gases for technology, medicine and food.
Association Chairman Igor Mikulina and the members of the working group worked out further functionalities with added value for customers.
Under the leadership of Konstantin Kernschmidt, Project Manager Industry 4.0 at MicroStep Europe, the participating association members drove the planning forward.
At eye level, the association members worked out the functionalities that are to offer users added value.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Schilp (front), chair at the University of Augsburg and project manager at Fraunhofer IGCV, also led the workshop.
The chairman of the association and managing director of MicroStep Europe, Igor Mikulina, drew a positive conclusion of the working group meeting.