Hannover Messe, Z.DB and IHK: Association pushes ahead with planning
The Industry Business Network 4.0 e.V. (IBN) has used the past weeks to inform itself at important events and to continue planning at various meetings. The first event was the Hannover Messe, which is considered the largest industry trade fair in the world. Shortly after, the IBN was invited to the ZD.B in Garching to work on a closer cooperation. While Bauma in Munich featured important component manufacturers, the Energy Dialogue Swabia offered a good opportunity to exchange ideas with public utilities and other companies from the manufacturing industry on topics related to energy supply and planning.
Hanover Fair
As the leading trade fair for industry, Hannover Messe was once again the melting pot of digitalization and automation. The annual Hannover Messe 2019 was characterized by a broad field of innovative manufacturers and service providers under the guiding theme "Integrated Industry - Industrial Intelligence".
IBN at the Hannover Messe as guest of Nokia: Tom Richter (left, Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH & Co. KG) guided the IBN representatives (further from left) Matthäus Mikulina, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Schilp, Konstantin Kernschmidt and Igor Mikulina through some use-cases at the Nokia booth.
The IBN team focused on the two key topics IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and 5G (mobile communications standard). The delegation around association chairman Igor Mikulina was invited to events of Intel and to talks at Nokia and exchanged ideas with other well-known and medium-sized companies. "The innovations at Hannover Messe confirm our path: there are great systems for great companies. But there is a lack of fully connected technology that promises a simple and user-friendly Industry 4.0 solution for medium-sized companies," said Igor Mikulina.
Cooperation with the Center for Digitalization.Bavaria (ZD.B)
At the invitation of Dr. Klaus Funk, a group from the association met at the ZD.B. Funk is the coordinator of the dual-topic platform Digital Production & Engineering with a focus on production. In this function, discussions were held about a cooperation between ZD.B and IBN, concretely a joint event is planned for the end of the year for the time being.
Largest trade fair in the world: Bauma in Munich
Bauma, the world's largest trade fair for mining, construction machinery and construction materials, which takes place every three years, attracted around 620,000 visitors and 3,700 exhibitors to Messe München. Among the exhibitors are also numerous component manufacturers relevant for the IBN. The association's representatives took the opportunity to experience the innovations of existing members live and to establish contacts with potential member companies and future partners.
IHK Energy Dialogue Swabia in Augsburg
The Energy Dialog Swabia, organized by the Swabian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, is an important annual event for all those who have to deal with the topic of energy on a larger scale. Under the motto "Dynamics or standstill - Are we creating enough incentives for the energy turnaround?", a broad audience of experts gathered at the IHK location in Augsburg. This included first and foremost the energy suppliers and the manufacturing industry as one of the largest consumers. The Energy Dialogue Swabia brought new perspectives for the IBN team and offered the opportunity to exchange ideas with like-minded people.
Visiting the Z.DB: The representatives of the two organizations discussed cooperation with the Z.DB and IBN: Michael Gaigl (from left) Konstantin Kernschmidt, Igor Mikulina (all IBN) and Dr. Klaus Funk (Z.DB).