Cooperation with non-profit Labs Network Industrie 4.0 e.V.
In the future, the Industry Business Network 4.0 association will cooperate with the pre-competitive and non-profit Association Labs Network Industrie 4.0 (LNI 4.0)This was decided by representatives of the two institutions at a meeting at the association's headquarters in Bad Wörishofen.
The LNI 4.0 coordinates and informs about test centers where Industry 4.0 applications can be developed and tested in Germany. The Industry Business Network 4.0 thus becomes one of currently 62 test centers of the "Plattform Industrie 4.0" in Germany, which focuses in particular on solutions for SMEs. Through the cooperation with the association, there is also an exchange of our results with the corresponding committees of the associations ZVEI, bitkom and VDMA.
Cooperation agreed: Igor Mikulina and Konstantin Kernschmidt from Industrie Business Network 4.0 with Dr. Dominik Rohrmus from Labs Network Industrie 4.0 (from left, photo: Dr. Rohrmus).